21st Century Edu

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Multimedia Project

Multimedia Project Plan In this final project, we created three different types of multimedia objects, including an infographic, a narrated PowerPoint, and a screencast video. The previous hands-on exercises in the course really helped us form these objects. The infographic… Continue Reading →

Blog Post Comment 5

This is Anna’s post on a detailed discussion of two topics of learning. I agree and share a similar experience that in larger College lectures, teaching styles tend to be more monotonous and emphasize more on traditional teaching styles. This… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 5 — Gamification

In my previous education, I have experienced Game-based learning or gamification techniques presented by the instructor. Some very common examples include role-playing, utilizing online tools, for example, Kahoot, or making card games that incorporate certain concepts or ideas. As a… Continue Reading →

Blog Post Comment 4

In Neil’s Post, he utilizes both the Coherence and personalization principle. In my previous education, I also had the opportunity to use both of tools mentioned, slightly more Kahoot than Prezi, partially because I thought Prezi is just a fancier… Continue Reading →

Core Multimedia Skills

In this multimedia assignment, I chose to update and improve the previously designed infographic on the topic of Telehealth. The new infographic updates both the design and the content as well as follows more multimedia principles to better serve its… Continue Reading →

Video Editing & Evaluation Models

Video Editing Video editing is an essential skill in creating effective educational or professional content. It can positively impact teaching and learning experience through forming more diverse and informative learning material. It has the ability to draw connections between different… Continue Reading →

Blog Post Comment 3

Anna’s post is a detailed introduction to screencasting and its connection with the Dual Coding Theory. Screencasting is definitely a great example of how our sense of hearing and seeing are combined to maximize our learning outcomes. It is widely… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 3 — Screencast

This week’s hands-on activity is the creation of a screencast, a very common form of video lesson, especially during the online environment. The screencast can very effectively mimic a face-to-face learning experience with both video and audio available. This is… Continue Reading →

Blog Post Comment 2

This is Allen’s post on AR & VR in education with the use of an infographic. He provided a very comprehensive introduction to AR and its potential to reshape education and student learning. I appreciate how he explained the various… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 2

Augmented Reality (AR) in Education Another interesting topic this week is the introduction of AR and its application in the field of education. From Professor Matt Bower’s presentation, I learned that AR has the potential to identify students’ needs that… Continue Reading →

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