In this multimedia assignment, I chose to update and improve the previously designed infographic on the topic of Telehealth. The new infographic updates both the design and the content as well as follows more multimedia principles to better serve its function of increasing knowledge transfer. Please access the enhanced infographic and the accompanying audio narration below.

Updated Elements
In the new infographic, various elements, including the design, content, and structure are updated compared to the previous version. With a better-organized infographic, learners can more easily follow through the ideas presented and better achieve the objective of the infographic, which is to briefly understand the meaning of Telehealth service and its providers across BC. The more effective use of images also promotes the reader’s understanding of the different subtopics and can partially strengthen the learner’s memorization and impression of the main subject. Furthermore, the additional audio narration serves as an introduction to the content delivered in the infographic and can be supported by the Dual Coding Theory and the Temporal Contiguity Principle. These theories support the use of verbal channels to present information and enhance memorization (Mayer, 2014).
Multimedia Principles
The updated infographic follows more essential multimedia principles and thus is more effective at increasing knowledge transfer. In the current object, I included more description of the main concept, allowing readers better understand the information with prior knowledge on the main subject. This can be reflected in the Pre-training Principle. The new design also has a more structured layout with a clearer design showing the different sections of the infographic. Each topic has its section with highlighted keywords, which is following the Signalling Principle. Compared to the first version, this infographic incorporates a better use of small-sized and related images and symbols. This change can be supported by the split-attention principle and the spatial contiguity principle, which states that corresponding words and pictures should be integrated and presented near each other (Mayer, 2014).

Learning about multimedia principles has allowed me to create more effective multimedia objects and helped me understand the key elements that facilitate knowledge transfer from various forms of multimedia.
Mayer, R. E., 1947. (2014). In Mayer R. E. (Ed.), The cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (Second ed.). Cambridge University Press.
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